The Singing Scoutmaster: Campfire Skits

scout in a canoe

Campfire Skits

As a dynamic and engaging tradition, campfire skits play a pivotal role in building character, boosting morale, and nurturing the enduring spirit of scouting.

Skits, run-ons, and running gags give scouts practice in theatrical skills such as creative writing, staging, stage presence and voice projection. They also give an opportunity to write or modify a skit and adapt it and make it their own.

Skits shoud last no longer than 3 or 4 minutes. Run-Ons are quick get-on, get-off "bits" while Running Gags are like Run-Ons but have parts that are continuations to further the story.

With a little thought, many jokes yield themselves to be adapted to be a Run-On, with a quick interaction between 2 or 3 scouts.

As with any skill, performing a skit takes practice and dedication. The time spent practicing will pay off with a much smoother presentation, and enhanced enjoyment for both performer and audience.

Movements while "on stage" should be animated, exaggerated, and slowed down a bit to allow the audience to catch up with the performer's thought process.

Skits can often be adapted to include more or fewer scouts, so don't let the suggested number of participants dissuade you from using a skit!

2-Scout Skits

3-Scout Skits

4 Or More Scouts


Running Gags