The Singing Scoutmaster: Bach

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Category: 3-Scout Skits
Notes: One scout is pretending to play the violin.

Bubba:   Howdy-do! 

Larry:   Whatcha playin'? 


Violinist:   I'm playing Mozart. 


Bubba:   Neva' heard o' him. 


Violinist:   Here is another piece. 


Larry:   What's that? 


Violinist:   That is Beethoven. 


Bubba:   Neva' heard o' him neither. 


Violinist:   Here's another. 


Larry:   What's that? 


Violinist:   That's Bach. 


Bubba:   We've heard of bak, we hear that one all the time on the farm! 


Then Larry and Bubba start running around screaming "bak! bak!" like chickens