The Singing Scoutmaster: Chocolate Pudding

Chocolate Pudding
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Category: 4 Or More Scouts
Props: A trash can, bowl or paper bag.
Notes: You can use more or less scouts.

Scout #1:   I've been watching the food network lately, I have been inspired to cook. 


Scout #2:   Oh no, last time I tried your cooking I got sick. 


Scout #1:   I've gotten much better, I'll prove it. taste these brownies that I made. 


Scout #2:   (tastes brownie, throws up in bag, runs away) 


Scout #3:   What's up with him? 


Scout #1:   Nothing, want a brownie? 


Scout #3:   Sure. (tastes brownie, throws up in bag, runs away) 


Scout #4:   What happened to him? 


Scout #1:   He's, uh, fine. Taste a brownie. 


Scout #4:   Sure. (tastes brownie, throws up in bag, runs away) 


Scout #1:   I give up, I guess I wasn't meant to be a chef! (walks or runs away) 


Last Scout:   (walks in, sees sickness bag, looks at it, digs in) Mmmmmm, warm Chocolate Pudding!