The Singing Scoutmaster: Pencils

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Category: 2-Scout Skits
Props: 5 pencils and 5 one-dollar bills

Radio:   You Like Games? 

Ashes:   I like Games! 

Radio:   (To audience) You Like Games? I got a great game, ya wanna play? 

Ashes:   A Game? I can play? 

Radio:   Sure Sure…the only thing is, games are a lot more fun when you have a little something wagered on it, ya know what I mean? Make a………. 

Ashes:   Make a Bet? 

Radio:   SHHH!!!!!You can't say that here. Ya can't say's illegal in Texas. 

Ashes:   Well then go to Oklahoma! 

Radio:   Bettin's any money in your pocket? 

Ashes:   What do you mean, got any money? 

Radio:   Got any money? 

Ashes:   Well, yeah, I got some money. 

Radio:   How much ya got? 

Ashes:   In the Neighborhood of 100 bucks. 

Radio:   The Neighborhood of 100 bucks. How much exactly. 

Ashes:   Five Dollars. 

Radio:   That's a poor Neighborhood. Let me see it. 

Ashes:   Ya wanna see it? 

Radio:   Yeah lemme see it. Hold it up. I got something else too! I got pencils. They're real pencils. 

Radio:   Here's the game, it's a simple game called pencils. 

Ashes:   Pencils?! 

Radio:   Pencils! I'm gonna show ya now, I'm gonna say pencils..You're gonna say pencils! EVERYBODY say pencils. 

Audience:   Pencils! 

Radio:   I'm gonna ask you a few questions, The answer is to every PENCILS 

Ashes:   Pencils? 

Radio:   (To Everyone) What's the answer? 

Audience:   PENCILS! 

Radio:   You say pencils, you win. 

Ashes:   So I gotta say pencils and I win 

Radio:   You say pencils You win! But Ashes, if you say anything but pencils, you lose one of them dollars. 

Ashes:   Yeah? 

Radio:   yup. 

Ashes:   Alright. 

Radio:   Now you ready to Play? 

Ashes:   I'm ready. 

Radio:   That's a dollar (takes one dollar) Ashes, I told ya, what's the answer to the question? 

Ashes:   PENCILS! 

Radio:   (To audience) What's the Answer? 

Audience:   PENCILS! 

Radio:   Alright, Ashes I'll make it easy for ya. Remember the answer. 

Ashes:   Pencils! 

Radio:   (To audience) What's the Answer? 

Audience:   Pencils! 

Radio:   They all know, here we go. Who's the president of the United States? 

Ashes:   (after a moment's thought.)Pencils! 

Radio:   Aww you're good. What's today's date? 

Ashes:   Pencils 

Radio:   Aw man, he's good he's good. Uh, Let's see, if you go to the beach, and you're wearing those short swimming shorts, what do your legs look like? 

Ashes:   Pencils! 

Radio:   Oh man! You're too good at this Ashes! Have you ever played this before? 

Ashes:   Nope 

Radio:   That's another dollar. 

Radio:   Alright. how much money ya got left there? 

Ashes:   Three Dollars 

Radio:   Not any more, that's another dollar. 

Ashes:   STOP IT!!!!... I'm losing all this money, now cut it out! 

Radio:   Two dollars left? I got two pencils left. I'll tell ya what, let's play for all the money. FOR ALL THE MONEY! 

Ashes:   All of it? 

Radio:   Yeah, you know the answer right? 

Ashes:   Pencils. 

Radio:   (to audience) What's the answer? 

Audience:   Pencils! 

Radio:   Alright Ashes, which would you rather have? The Money or the Pencils? 

Ashes:   PENCILS! 

Radio:   I'll take the money…. 

Grabs the Money and leaves the stage. Ashes stands there dumbfounded.