The Singing Scoutmaster: Paul Bunyan's Logging Adventures

Paul Bunyan's Logging Adventures
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Category: Folk Tales

Come gather 'round and hear the tale of Paul Bunyan bold and grand,
Whose logging adventures in the woods are known throughout the land.
With his mighty axe and towering frame, he cleared the forests wide,
And with each swing, the trees would fall, as Paul Bunyan turned the tide.

He'd chop down trees with a single blow, each swing a thunderous sound,
And when he walked, the earth would shake, with tremors felt around.
With muscles like iron and a heart of gold, he'd tackle any task,
For Paul Bunyan was a lumberjack, and no challenge was too vast.

He'd fell the trees from dawn 'til dusk, with Babe the Blue Ox near,
And together they'd clear the land, with strength beyond compare.
They'd haul the logs with ease and grace, across the forest floor,
Leaving behind a path so wide, it seemed to stretch forevermore.

And when the work was finally done, and the day had come to end,
Paul Bunyan and his trusty crew would gather 'round and bend,
To tell the tales of their adventures, of the trees they'd felled that day,
And though the work was hard, they'd laugh and sing along the way.

So here's to Paul Bunyan, the lumberjack of lore,
Whose logging adventures in the woods will be remembered evermore.
With his mighty axe and faithful ox, he cleared the forests wide,
Leaving behind a legacy that will stand the test of time.