The Singing Scoutmaster: Legend of the Dreamcatcher, The

Legend of the Dreamcatcher, The
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Category: Native American
Notes: A story from various tribes, notably the Ojibwe

Long ago, in the land of the Ojibwe people, there lived a wise elder named Asibikaashi. Asibikaashi was known throughout the tribe for her kind heart and her deep connection to the spirits of the earth and sky.

One day, as Asibikaashi was walking through the forest, she came upon a spider spinning its web between the branches of a tree. Mesmerized by the intricate design of the web, Asibikaashi watched as the spider worked tirelessly, weaving its delicate threads into a beautiful pattern.

As the sun began to set and the sky turned to dusk, Asibikaashi had an idea. She approached the spider and asked if it would share its web with her. The spider, sensing Asibikaashi's pure intentions, agreed to help.

Together, Asibikaashi and the spider worked through the night, weaving the web into a small hoop. As the first rays of sunlight broke through the trees, they admired their creation—a delicate circle adorned with intricate patterns, like the rays of the sun.

Asibikaashi held the hoop up to the light and spoke to the spirits of the earth and sky. She asked them to bless the web and imbue it with the power to protect the people of the tribe from bad dreams and nightmares.

From that day forward, the dreamcatcher became a cherished symbol among the Ojibwe people—a reminder of Asibikaashi's wisdom and the power of protection. The dreamcatcher was hung above the sleeping area of each home, where it would filter out bad dreams and allow only good dreams to pass through to the sleeper.

As the years passed, the legend of the dreamcatcher spread beyond the Ojibwe tribe, becoming a symbol of peace and protection for people of all cultures and backgrounds. And whenever someone looked upon a dreamcatcher, they remembered the story of Asibikaashi and the spider, and the power of love and compassion to create something truly magical.