The Singing Scoutmaster: Cleverman's Challenge, The

Cleverman's Challenge, The
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Category: Australian Aboriginal Myths

In a small tribe by the coast, there was a Cleverman, a wise elder who could speak with the spirits and heal the sick. He was respected by all, but one day, a young warrior challenged his wisdom. "You claim to know the ways of the land and spirits, but how do we know you truly speak the truth?" the young warrior asked.

The Cleverman smiled and nodded. "A good question, young one. To prove my words, I will face the challenge of the spirits. If I succeed, you will know that I speak with their voice."

The Cleverman went deep into the forest, where the spirits dwelled. He sat by a sacred tree and called out to them. "Spirits of the land, I seek your guidance. I must show the people that I speak with your truth."

The spirits whispered in the wind, their voices blending with the rustling leaves. "We will test your wisdom, Cleverman. Answer our riddle, and we will grant you our blessing."

"I am ready," the Cleverman said, closing his eyes and listening intently.

"What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at midday, and three legs in the evening?" the spirits asked.

The Cleverman smiled. "It is a man's life. As a child, he crawls on four legs. As an adult, he walks on two. And in old age, he uses a cane, making three."

The spirits were pleased. "You have answered well, Cleverman. We grant you our blessing and the strength to guide your people. Return to your tribe and share our wisdom."

The Cleverman returned to the tribe, and the young warrior bowed his head in respect. "You have proven your wisdom, Cleverman. I will never doubt your words again."

The Cleverman smiled and said, "Always question what you do not understand. That is the path to true wisdom."

From that day on, the Cleverman's words were heeded by all, and he continued to guide his people with the blessings of the spirits, teaching them to live in harmony with the land and always seek understanding.