The Singing Scoutmaster: Boy Who Loved Trains, The

Boy Who Loved Trains, The
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Category: Shaggy Dog Stories

There was once a boy who loved trains. Lots of boys like trains, but this boy was truly passionate about trains. Everyday he would go down to his small town's train station to see the one daily passenger train pull in. Everyday the conductor would blow the train's whistle and wave when he saw the boy, and nothing in the world could have made the boy happier.

One day when the train pulled in, the conductor didn't blow the train's whistle or wave at the boy, he just silently drove past. The boy was so hurt he ran crying all the way home. When he got there he told his mom that he was never going to the train station again. His mom said he ought to go back at least once more since he had always loved seeing the trains so much.

The next day the boy reluctantly went back to the train station. The one daily passenger train pulled in at the same time it always did. When the conductor saw the boy he blew the train's whistle and waved, and nothing in the world could have made the boy happier.