The Singing Scoutmaster: Waddeley-Achee

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Category: Do As I Do
Link: Performance Example

Wad- de- ley a- chee, wad- de- ley a- chee,  
doo- dle- y doo, doo- dle- y doo.  
Wad- de- ley a- chee, wad- de- ley a- chee,  
doo- dle- y doo, doo- dle- y doo.  
Sim- ple- st thing there is- n't much to it,  
all you've got to do is doo- dle- y do it,  
I like the rest, but the part I like best is  
doo- dle- y doo- dle- y doo.  
Slap knees twice, clap hands twice.  
Pass your right hand over your left hand twice.  
Pass your left hand over your right hand twice.  
Touch your nose with your right hand; then,  
touch your left shoulder and leave your hand there.  
Touch your nose with your left hand; then,  
touch your right shoulder and leave your hand there.  
Put both hands up in the air, and pinch your fingers together three times.  
Repeat the song and actions several times, a bit faster each time.  
Monster version: Sing in a deep, monster-like voice. Curve fingers to make claws.  
Instead of touching nose, cover your face with your entire hand.  
Mouse version: Sing in a high, mouse-like voice (falsetto). Bring fingertips and thumb together.  
Make the actions as small and as quiet as possible.