The Singing Scoutmaster: On Top Of Spaghetti

On Top Of Spaghetti
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Category: Fun
Tune: On Top Of Old Smokey
Link: Performance Example

               F                        C       
On top of spa--ghetti, all covered with cheese  
               G7                     C         
I lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed.  
                  F                   C      
It rolled off the table and on to the floor  
                 G7                         C     
And then my poor meatball rolled out of the door  
                 F                  C     
It rolled in the garden and under a bush  
                 G7                       C     
And then my poor meatball was nothing but mush  
                F                     C   
The mush was as tasty, as tasty could be  
                  G7                    C     
And then the next summer it grew into a tree  
                 F                         C     
The tree was all covered, all covered with moss  
               G7                   C      
And on it grew meatballs and tomato sauce  
                   F                        C       
So if you eat spa--ghetti, all covered with cheese  
                G7                    C       
Hold on to your meatball whenever you sneeze