The Singing Scoutmaster: Never Hit Your Grandma With A Shovel

Never Hit Your Grandma With A Shovel
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Category: Fun
Link: Performance Example

G                             A       
Never hit your Grandma with a shovel  
   D                             G                   
It makes a bad impression on her mind (On her mind)  
In a better way impart  
All the love things in your heart  
         A                          D                      
For it's possible she may retort in kind (Retort in kind)  
  G                                 A     
Remember Granny's known you since a baby  
    B7                                Em                     
And even though in fun, could prove a shock (Prove a shock)  
So respect her aged head,  
         Am           C      
Stay the shovel and instead  
           G         E7        A7      D7     G      
Paste your dear old, sweet old Grandma with a rock.  
  G                 A            
A Grandma, with her grandchild,  
    D              G     
Sat by the kitchen door  
     G                                     D    
Of a quaint old fashioned house built long ago  
    G                A         
The little lass grew restless  
   D              G     
As on the evening wore  
        A                               D     
For she felt the time was fleeting very slow  
"I must do something" cried the girl,  
And seized the nearby spade  
      A                D                  
But a passing stranger blocked her swing  
       E                   D     
Whilst these wise words he said  
G                             A       
Never hit your Grandma with a shovel  
   D                             G     
It makes a bad impression on her mind  
In a better way impart  
All the love things in your heart  
         A                          D     
For it's possible she may retort in kind  
  G                                 A     
Remember Granny's known you since a baby  
    B7                                Em                     
And even though in fun, could prove a shock (Prove a shock)  
So respect her aged head,  
         Am           C      
Stay the shovel and instead  
           G         E7        A7      D7     G      D7 Db7   C7  G      
Paste your dear old, sweet old Grandma with a rock. (A  Great Big Rock)  
