The Singing Scoutmaster: Nellie The Elephant

Nellie The Elephant
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Category: Fun
Link: Performance Example

Cm G   Cm                      G     
To Bom-bay a travelling circus came  
     D                      G            D              G     
they brought an intelligent elephant and Nellie was her name  
Cm  G    Cm                         G      
One dark night she slipped her iron chain  
    D              G                 D            G     
and off she ran to Hindustan and was never seen a-gain  
   C                                        F                    C       
Oh Nellie the elephant packed her trunk and said good-bye to the circus  
F                   C              G     D     G      
Off she went with a trumpety trump trump trump trump  
    C                                        F                    C       
Now Nellie the elephant packed her trunk and trundled back to the jungle  
F                   C              F     G     C      
Off she went with a trumpety trump trump trump trump  
Cm    G  Cm                             G     
Night by night she danced to the circus band  
     D                      G              D                   G      
when Nellie was leading the big parade she looked so proud and grand  
Cm G    Cm                       G     
No more tricks for Nellie to per-form  
     D                 G                  D                 G      
they taught her how to take a bow and she took the crowd by storm  
   C                                        F                    C       
Oh Nellie the elephant packed her trunk and said good-bye to the circus  
F                   C              G     D     G      
Off she went with a trumpety trump trump trump trump  
    C                                        F                    C       
Now Nellie the elephant packed her trunk and trundled back to the jungle  
F                   C              F     G     C      
Off she went with a trumpety trump trump trump trump  
    F                            C   F     C    
The head of the herd was calling far far a-way  
     D                    G                   D             G    
they met one night in the silver light on the road to Manda-lay  
   C                                        F                    C       
Oh Nellie the elephant packed her trunk and said good-bye to the circus  
F                   C              G     D     G      
Off she went with a trumpety trump trump trump trump  
    C                                        F                    C       
Now Nellie the elephant packed her trunk and trundled back to the jungle  
F                   C              F     G     C      
Off she went with a trumpety trump trump trump trump  
   C                                        F                    C       
Oh Nellie the elephant packed her trunk and said good-bye to the circus  
F                   C              G     D     G      
Off she went with a trumpety trump trump trump trump  
    C                                        F                    C       
Now Nellie the elephant packed her trunk and trundled back to the jungle  
F                   C              F     G     C      
Off she went with a trumpety trump trump trump trump