The Singing Scoutmaster: Keep On The Sunny Side

Keep On The Sunny Side
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Category: Fun
Notes: Start with the knock-knock joke, then sing the chorus. Continue alternating jokes and chorus

Knock! Knock!  
Who's There?  
Radio Who?  
Radio or not, here we go!  
C                       F             C            
Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side.  
            D7            G7     
Keep on the sunny side of life.  
        C             C7           F                C     
It will help us every day, it will brighten all the way,  
                  D7    G7      C      
if we keep on the sunny side of life.  
Knock! Knock! jokes -  
Amos. A mosquito bit me!  
Cargo. Cargo beep beep and run over all the armadillos!  
Sara. Sara doctor in the house?  
Adolph. Adolph ball hit me in the mouth and dat's why I talk dis way!  
Little Old Lady. I didn't know you could yodel!  
Orange. Orange you glad it's almost over?  
Dishes. Dishes the end!