The Singing Scoutmaster: Hail, Hail The Gang's All Here

Hail, Hail The Gang's All Here
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Category: Fun
Link: Performance Example

C               G7         C      
Hail, hail, the gang's all here,  
Never mind the weather,  
Here we are together;  
C              G7         C      
Hail, hail the gang's all here,  
                     G7           C     
Sure we're glad that you're here, too!  
C               G7         C      
Hail, hail, the gang's all here,  
We're a bunch of live ones,  
Not a single dead one;  
C              G7         C      
Hail, hail the gang's all here,  
                   G7        C     
Sure I'm glad that I'm here, too!