The Singing Scoutmaster: Down By The Bay

Down By The Bay
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Category: Fun
Link: Performance Example

Down by the bay  
Where the watermelons grow  
Back to my home  
I dare not go  
For if I do  
My mother will say  
"Did you ever see a bear combing his hair?"  
Down by the bay.  
Down by the bay  
Where the watermelons grow  
Back to my home  
I dare not go  
For if I do  
My mother will say  
"Did you ever see a bee with a sunburned knee?"  
Down by the bay.  
Down by the bay  
Where the watermelons grow  
Back to my home  
I dare not go  
For if I do  
My mother will say  
"Did you ever see a whale with a polka dot tail?"  
Down by the bay.  
Continue by making up more verses.