The Singing Scoutmaster: Away In A Manger

Away In A Manger
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Category: Christmas
Link: Performance Example
Link: Performance Example
Notes: A couple of different melodies

D       G D                     Em   
Away in a manger, no crib for a bed  
    A7          D         E7             A7     
The little Lord Jesus lay down his sweet head.  
    D        G   D                                Em    
The stars in the bright sky, looked down where he lay.  
    A7          D      
The little Lord Jesus  
  G        A7  D     
a-sleep on the hay.  
D          G   D                  Em      
The cattle are lowing, the baby a-wakes,  
    A7          D        E7        A7      
But little Lord Jesus no crying he makes.  
  D          G    D                         Em   
I love Thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the sky  
    A7         D       
And stay by my cradle  
     G       A7 D      
'til morning is nigh.  
D           G    D                    Em    
Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay  
      A7        D         E7         A7    
Close by me for-ever, and love me, I pray  
      D       G    D                      Em     
Bless all the dear children in thy tender care,  
    A7         D        
And take us to heaven,  
   G         A7   D      A D 
to live with Thee there.