The Singing Scoutmaster: Little Bird, A

Little Bird, A
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Category: Repeat After Me
Tune: Sippin' Cider
Link: Performance Example
Notes: Repeat each line after the leader. Then the verse is repeated with everyone singing together

A little bird  
With a yellow bill  
Was sittin' on  
My window sill  
A little bird With a yellow bill Was sittin' on My window sill  
I lured him in  
With a piece of bread  
And then I smashed  
His little head  
I lured him in With a piece of bread And then I smashed His little head  
I scooped him up  
In a Dixie cup  
And then I drank  
That fuzzy up  
I scooped him up In a Dixie cup And then I drank That fuzzy up  
The morale of  
This story is  
If you're a bird  
Don't mess with kids  
The morale of This story is If you're a bird Don't mess with kids