Tips For Teaching Rounds
Rounds provide a good introduction to singing in parts. Because they are "team singing" they
help the unsure singer learn her part. It is advisable to teach a round first as a regular song
and only after the group is familiar with the song to try it in rounds.
In presenting rounds:
- First have the entire group sing through the entire song together until you feel that they
know it.
- Divide the group into the number of parts needed.
- Try to put a strong singer or song leader with each of the parts.
- Be sure that the group knows how many times through to sing the round: usually this is as
many times as there are parts. Sometimes, the song/round is sung until some task is
- Cue each part as indicated in the round.
- For a different "finish" you can have each group hold their part when the group reaches the
end of the round. In this way, the round will end with a pleasing chord conclusion.