The Singing Scoutmaster: Working Hard

Working Hard

Category: Inspirational

A new postal clerk felt privileged to land his job with the civil service. So, without a second thought, he cheerfully sorted the mail as quickly and efficiently as he could. When at a conveyer belt, he hustled from one end to the other, and was happy to keep his pace up throughout his shift.

Other workers, who had been on the job for years, resented his work pace. They didn't want anyone working faster than they worked; it might attract negative attention to them from the foreman. The new postal worker wasn't expecting anything when, after just a short time as a clerk, he was approached by one of the foreman who remarked, if you keep doing such a good job, you're going to be considered for a promotion as a manager.

The slow worker is frequently the first to be laid off, while the conscientious worker is usually the first to be considered for a higher position. Two thirds of the word "promotion" is "motion".