The Singing Scoutmaster: Three Brick Masons

Three Brick Masons

Category: Inspirational

Three brothers were all equally skilled at a craft taught to them by their father, that of a brick and stone mason. The work was hard, as it required lifting heavy bricks and cement, and they were exposed to the elements of severe weather on a daily basis. However, each viewed their work very differently.

When asked what he was doing, the first brother said, "I'm making a living so I can pay my bills." When asked the same question, the second brother replied, "Can't you see? I'm laying bricks." But the third brother, working next to the other brothers, replied, "I'm building something that will be used and appreciated by people for years and years to come."

As we go about our daily tasks, we shouldn't lose sight of what we're really doing with our life. We should give ourself a higher vision and see things as they effect more than just us.