The Singing Scoutmaster: Thanksgiving And The Scout Slogan

Thanksgiving And The Scout Slogan

Category: Inspirational

At Thanksgiving we always think of everything we are thankful for, things like friends, family, freedom, food, and fun we can have.

Another part of Thanksgiving is the giving part. We can be thankful for our ability to give. Not everyone can give money, but everyone can give time. You can give by doing a Good Turn every day. To do a Good Turn, you don't expect to be rewarded or paid. Maybe you can help shovel a neighbor's sidewalk, offer to get groceries for an elderly person, or just do a favor for someone. It can be as simple as holding a door for a person. Whatever kind of Good Turn you do, don't take more than a thank you for doing it.

Now is a good time for us to begin being good Scouts and follow the Scout slogan, "Do a Good Turn Daily."