The Singing Scoutmaster: Reach High The First Time

Reach High The First Time

Category: Inspirational
Props: A large piece of paper taped to the wall, marker

Tape a large piece of paper on a wall at your eye level. Ask two or three Scouts to come up and make a mark on the paper with a marker as high as they can reach. Thank them for their effort and allow them to return to their seats.

We can all usually do better than our first effort. Each of the Scouts who made a mark on this paper were asked to make it as high as they could. Let's have them come back up here and see if they can do better than their first effort. (It never fails that they will always reach two to three inches higher on the second try.)

This is a good opportunity to emphasize doing one's very best, and to give every project one's "second effort" on the first try.