The Singing Scoutmaster: Put Your Skills To Use

Put Your Skills To Use

Category: Inspirational

A flock of turkeys had a training meeting. All the turkeys went, and there, the head turkey taught them how to fly. At first they were taught how to make short flights off the fence to the ground. This was certainly new to them, and it was a lot of fun. Then they'd glide from the top of the shed. Wow! That was exciting! Eventually, they learned how to take off from a running start, glide and flap, and slowly lift. They learned how to catch thermal wind currents, soar up and fly high into the sky! They even learned how to perform some fancy acrobatics.

They could look down and see the whole farm in great detail. They could see what was on the other side of hills and woods that had previously blocked their view. They could see vast horizons that they had never known. It was a wonderful and exciting and exhilarating experience. After the meeting, all the turkeys walked home.

Moral of the story? We should put to practice the skills that we learn.