The Singing Scoutmaster: Measuring Up

Measuring Up

Category: Inspirational

This month we're learning how to measure heights and distances by estimation. It's fun, and it can be a useful skill in the outdoors-in planning pioneering bridges, for example.

We measure by wstimation in lots of everyday things, too. In the morning, you estimate how much orange juice you want for breakfast by pouring it into a glass. It's not a precise amount, just approximate. And you measure by estimation when you cross a street well before a car comes or when you pass a football to a running teammate.

One thing most of us don't measure often enough, though, is ourselves. How often do we stop and say, am I doing the right thing? Is it what a Scout should do? How am I measuring up the to the Scout Oath and Law?" I suggest that you set aside 5 minutes a week to pause and ask yourself, "How am I measuring up?"