Living By The Scout Law
What does it mean to be a good person. What does it mean to be a good Scout? Listen to these simple examples of things we might do on any given day:
- telling the truth
- sticking up for the kid being picked on
- handing out papers for the teacher
- letting everyone play a game
- saying thank you to the clerk at a store
- helping a kid that dropped his books instead of laughing at him
- playing fair to have fun rather than to win no matter what
- looking for a little fun in every job we have to do
- using our boring old cellphone for another year because it still works
- asking our buddies to not use bad language around us
- listening to music that doesn't promote hate, violence, and other trash
- taking some time to appreciate and be thankful for all we have
Those twelve ways were a simple example of each of the twelve points in the Scout Law.
Being a good person by obeying the Scout Law is something we can do in all kinds of worthwhile and simple ways.