The Singing Scoutmaster: Aspens


Category: Inspirational

Philmont Scout Ranch in northern New Mexico has some of the prettiest and most majestic scenery you'll ever be surrounded by. One outstanding site is hiking near a huge groves of aspen trees. If you've ever seen a grove of aspens wave in a breeze, you have witnessed their strength and beauty. A grove of aspens can withstand the mighty forces of nature because they are tightly bound together, both in their trunks and limbs, and in their root systems. Each tree draws strength from the others. However, one aspen standing alone would soon split or break in the force of a big wind.

Your patrol is a lot like a grove of aspens. The strength and teamwork of a group of guys can accomplish tasks that would be impossible for individuals working independently. Each patrol member brings skills and talents that compliment the other members of the patrol.