The Singing Scoutmaster: Scout Beatitudes, The

Scout Beatitudes, The
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Category: Responsive Readings

Leader: Blessed are the Scouts who are taught to see beauty in all things around them,

All: for their world will be a place of grace and wonder.

Leader: Blessed are the Scouts who are led with patience and understanding,

All: for they will learn the strength of endurance and the gift of tolerance.

Leader: Blessed are the Scouts who are provided a home where family members dwell in harmony and close communion,

All: for they shall become the peacemakers of the world.

Leader: Blessed are the Scouts who are taught the value and power of truth,

All: for they shall search for knowledge and use it with wisdom and discernment.

Leader: Blessed are the Scouts who arre guided by those with fath in a loving God,

All: for they will find God early and will walk with God through life.

Leader: Blessed are the Scouts who arfe loved and know that they are loved,

All: for they shall sow seeds of love in the world and reap joy for themselves and others.