The Singing Scoutmaster: Responsive Reading 02

Responsive Reading 02
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Category: Responsive Readings

All: O most high, almighty, good Lord God,
to you belongs praise, glory, honor and all blessing.

Leader: Praise God with all his creatures,
and especially, our brother, the sun,
who brings us the day and who brings us the night;
fair is he, and shines with a very great splendor;
O Lord, he signifies You to us.

All: Praise God for our sister the moon, and for the stars,
which He has set clear and lovely in the heaven.

Leader: Praise God for our brother the wind,
and for the air and clouds, and all weather
by which you uphold life in all creatures.

All: Praise God for our sister, water,
who is humble and precious and clean.

Leader: Praise God for our brother, fire,
through whom you give us light in the darkness;
he is bright and pleasant and mighty and strong.

All: Praise God for our mother, the earth,
which sustains us and keeps us, and brings forth
grass and fruits and flowers of many colors.

All: Praise God, and give thanks to Him
and serve Him with great humility.