The Singing Scoutmaster: Opening Flag Ceremonies

Opening Flag Ceremony

(Here is a reference to the flag code: Flag Code)

Have the color guard in the back of the room, ready holding the flags. From right to left, the flags should be USA, POW/MIA, then State flag, then Troop flag on the left as the color guard is facing towards the front of the room - or, US Flag in front, POW/MIA followed by State, then Troop flag if in single-file.

The proper way to carry the U.S. flag on a staff is with the staff held vertically and the flag flowing freely, with no incline. According to the United States Flag Code, when the flag is carried in a procession, the staff should be upright, and the flag should not be dipped to any person or thing.

Leader: "Color Guard, Attention!"

Leader: "Audience, Please Rise for the presentation of the colors!"

Give time for the audience to stand up.

Leader: "Scout Salute! Those not in uniform, please place your right hand over your heart."

Leader: "Color Guard, Forward March!"

Wait for color guard to reach the front.

Leader: "Color Guard, Halt!"

Leader: "Color Guard, Prepare to post the Colors!"

State and Troop flags stop. US and POW/MIA Flags cross in front of other flags to left-most flag stand (as viewed from the audience), then State flag advances, then Troop flag. Wait for flag bearers to move to the flag pole stands.

Leader: "Please join me in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance!"

Leader: "TWO!"

Everyone drops salute.

Leader: "Scout Sign!"

Everyone raises right hand making the Scout sign.

Leader: "Please join us in reciting the [Scout Law, Scout Oath, Outdoor Code, ...]!"

This is where the ceremony can be customized by the scout in charge. Choose what to recite. Could sing a song such as 'America the Beautiful'...

Leader: "TWO!"

Everyone drops Scout sign.

Leader: "Color Guard, Post the Flag of the United States of America!"

Leader: "Color Guard, Post the POW/MIA Flag!"

Leader: "Color Guard, Post the Flag of the Great State of [your state name]!"

Leader: "Color Guard, Post the Flag of [Pack/Troop] 123!"

Leader: "Color Guard, Honor your Colors!"

Flag bearers salute the US flag.

Leader: "Color Guard, Reform!"

Wait for flag bearers return to their original formation, facing the rear of the room

Leader: "Color Guard, Forward March!"

Wait for color guard to reach the rear.

Leader: "Color Guard, Halt!"

Leader: "Audience, Please be seated!"